Dunkey Please Say More Funny Things Like Spaghetti and Pizza

Information technology can be difficult to know how to talk to girls, especially at a decorated identify like a bar or party, so nosotros came up with this listing of funny things to say to a girl. These are sure to get her attention off the social chaos and directed onto you.

These pick up lines are the perfect things to say to a girl you like - they're witty, quick, and allow her know right abroad you're into her. And so, don't be shy! Memorize a few funny things to say to your crush, and try out a couple of well timed lines. Yous're sure to become a few laughs and maybe a number or two.

59 Funny Things To Say To A Girl - These volition make her laugh (Animated)


16 All-time Funny Things To Say To a Girl

Near the top of the list of whatever girl'south dream guy list is an crawly sense of humour. Stand out from the pack with these funny lines that allow her know you're willing to go to all lengths to make her smiling.

Remember there is a fine balance between humour and offense. Find the line, and ride it! Be bold, be funny, but be conscientious - yous don't want to go too far. These funny things to say will give you lot a guide.

Hither are the 16 all-time funny things to say to a daughter:

1. I tried rearranging the alphabet, only for some reason, U and I would never separate.

Maybe there is a reason you lot've encounter each other!

2. I think I have a centre attack every fourth dimension I am with y'all. My center skips beats and races a mile a minute when I feel your touch.

Paramedics - this one is for you lot.

three. Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for yous.

This will get her attending, and make her express mirth! Plus, it'due south super nonthreatening.

4. Is your proper name Gillette? Considering you are the best a homo can get.

Always a classic!

v. I seem to take lost my phone number. Can I have yours?

How-do-you-do, operator! She'll love this archetype line.

half-dozen. You're and then beautiful, I just forgot my selection-up line.

Smooth and funny - she'll love information technology.

7. I have thought most this long and hard. Your father must be an alien. There is not another person on the planet that's like you.

Information technology's the simply possible solution!

viii. I am going to call the cops. It must be illegal to be every bit fine equally you lot are.

Pair this with a faux disapproving smirk for maximum effect.

9. Who knew I would be an organ donor so early in life? I already gave my heart to you.

And this story has two happy recipients!

10. Am I cute enough yet or do you demand more than of those vodkas?

Maybe information technology's beer goggles - simply you'll take information technology.

eleven. Are you lot going to buss me or do I have to lie to my diary?

Come on, it'southward clear you're head over heels!

12. My knees are getting weak since I fall for you daily.

Inquire her to aid a guy out!

13. Girl I bet y'all belong to prison house for killing every guy with your killing looks.

Hopefully she'south not an Actual felon…

xiv. Was that an convulsion or did you simply shake my entire world in a 2d?

All you know is, everything changed when she walked in!

fifteen. Hey, we have so much in mutual! I know nothing about you and you know cypher about me - we are just perfect for each other!

This one is a piffling long, simply information technology's pretty funny! I'd go for this.

sixteen. Is your father a terrorist? Considering you are the flop.

This one is risky (yous know, PC) just would notwithstanding be funny if said lighthearted enough.

15 Funny Sweet Things To Say To A Girl

Girls like guys to exist funny, simply they want them to be nice, too! You lot can't be all laughs! These sweet things to say to a girl show her a glimpse of your seriously romantic side.

Utilize a couple of these pickup lines to show her that you are a softie at heart! Permit her know that you have a whole bunch of sugariness nothings to whisper to her. Girls love a guy that tin can sweep them off their feet.

Here are xv funny sugariness things to say to a girl:

17. I was going to purchase you a flower, and and then I realized that you're far more beautiful than any rose I could selection.

Gets you lot out of picking up a bouquet, and it'due south sweet!

eighteen. Our beloved is a mocha latte. You're hot similar coffee, sugariness like sugar and filled with a little actress pep to brand information technology just perfect.

Plus, information technology's anybody's favorite!

xix. Girl, you are so delightful, cheerful, and vivid, y'all can make Batman hire an apartment and abandon his cavern!

Girls love to hear they light up the room.

twenty. Did information technology injure? When you vicious out of sky?

Take her to go look for a bandage, somewhere quieter.

21. Babe yous're and so sweetness, yous put Hershey's outta concern.

She should be their spokeswoman!

22. Are you lost ma'am? Considering heaven is a long style from hither.

Ever a smooth line.

23. You must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room.

Information technology'southward ok, she tin can keep it.

24. Damn, if being sexy was a law-breaking, you lot'd be guilty every bit charged.

Simply you won't hold her crimes against her.

25. If I were diabetic, I would exist in trouble because y'all're so sugariness I would go into shock.

Maybe she's a lilliputian spicy too, to even it out.

26. My medico said that I don't accept an arrhythmia, merely your presence is sure proving him wrong!

Perfect if she makes your eye skip a beat.

27. What are you doing this evening? (Girl - cipher) Let's do nothing together so!

I'll bet you can discover some fun things to practice!

28. Have you ever been to the moon? (Girl - no) Wow, me neither. Gosh we're so much alike!

Have her for a walk and check it out together.

29. Are you a dictionary? You add meaning to my life.

Tell her you're the beginning definition of "her young man."

30. Hey, they are casting for wonder adult female, I think the movie would not be able to do bang-up without yous in it.

Sexy and strong - she's a perfect bandage!

31. Are you religious? Y'all've been the answer to all of my prayers.

She's hit all the marks on your dreamgirl list.

14 Funny Beautiful Things To Say To a Girl

Information technology's good to have some cute things to say to a girl to let her know you're different from other guys. Y'all're more than than machismo and belt notches - you accept a sensitive side and you aren't afraid to bear witness it!

Let your sense of humor be your wingman and sneak a couple of these cute pick up lines into your conversation! Being cute definitely scores you a few extra moments of attending -utilize that!

Here are fourteen funny cute things to say to a girl:

32. Hamsters run in wheels all 24-hour interval, and I'd totally run after y'all.

She's worth information technology all!

33. How was heaven when you left it?

I hope she's non in a hurry to get dorsum!

34. Excuse me, but I think I dropped something. My Jaw!

Tell her she is earthshakingly gorgeous!

35. There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn't take your number in it.

I'thou sure she is tech savvy enough to ready it.

36. Smoking is hazardous to your health... and baby, you lot're killing me!

Maybe you lot two can find a less hazardous hobby!

37. Sit downwards and requite those legs a rest. Y'all've been running through my mind all day.

This spin on a classic gets her correct at your table.

38. I'yard fond to "Yeah", and I'yard allergic to "No". And so what'southward it gonna be?

Let her know she has all the power!

39. Would you exist so kind plenty to agree this (your paw) while I go out for a walk?

Besides sweet to turn down.

40. If yous were Christmas, I would exist the Grinch who stole you!

She'd be worth whatever punishment!

41. My side by side drink is on y'all! Crusade I saw y'all and dropped mine.

This one is quite tongue in cheek while also being a funny chat starter.

42. Excuse me, I just noticed you noticing me and I just wanted to give you notice that I noticed too.

A tongue twister to catch her attention.

43. Can I have directions? (Girl - To where?) To your heart.

Commit to taking notes for extra points.

44. Practice y'all see my friend over at that place? He wants to know if you think I am cute.

This should definitely earn y'all a smirk.

45. I was thinking we should save fuel. Let me driblet yous home in my artillery.

Show her you lot're a admirer AND you care about the environment. Win win!

14 Funny Overnice Things To Say To a Girl

Whoever said "nice guys finish last" must not have known any actual girls. Girls want a guy that can play multiple parts - lover, protector, and best friend!

These lines are nice things to say to a girl to show her that y'all are multidimensional. Funny? Sweet? Squeamish? Check cheque check! Yous're making a serious example for a appointment over here!

Here are 14 funny nice things to say to a girl:

46. Come on daughter, requite me my middle back. How practice you retrieve I am going to live without it?

Possibly if she stays close to you, that will work well enough. Worth a shot!

47. People are wasting millions on enquiry, simply the true crusade of global warming is sitting right in forepart of me.

Luckily, she's then absurd, I'thousand sure it will fifty-fifty out.

48. If my life was a puzzle, you would be the terminal slice that makes it complete.

Does she want to stay in the movie?

49. I take a million dreams at nighttime, and they all start and terminate with you.

She'southward what practiced dreams are fabricated of!

l. Rainbows are supposed to have a treasure at the cease of them. So I followed one, and that is the 24-hour interval I institute yous.

This is an even better line if she's a redhead.

51. You lot can't consume whatever more than cupcakes. If y'all get any sweeter, y'all'll flare-up into little bits of sugar.

Permit her know she truly is sweet as tin be.

52. I can't give you the earth – you deserve information technology – but I tin promise to requite you lot my world.

Tell her everything you lot have is hers.

53. I don't demand a camera to brand me smile, I just need to wait at you!

She lights upward your face!

54. Hi. Are y'all taking any applications for a fellow?

Assure her you'll ace whatsoever exams.

55. Are you a parking ticket? Crusade yous've got fine written all over y'all.

Don't worry, you lot'll waive the fee.

56. I'thousand sorry I wasn't part of your past, tin can I brand information technology up by being in your futurity?

You got here as fast as you could!

57. Your parents must be bakers to produce such a cutie pie.

Sweet and innocent and brings in her parents - classy motion.

58. Are yous from Hogwarts? Considering you are so magical.

I don't know a girl that wouldn't love this one.

59. Have y'all ever been arrested? Y'all are breaking all the laws by looking that adept.

This one is even funnier if you are a cop! Let her know she is stopping traffic.

How to Pick the Best Funny Things To Say To a Girl

And so y'all've read through this thorough listing of funny things to say and now you're thinking - what do I practise? If y'all're wondering where to start, I've written a few quick tips that volition help you know how to start using these funny lines.

The truth is - these funny things to say are just the first step to landing the date, only information technology's an important one! Read these tips to learn how to utilize these pick-up lines to get her attention long enough to become to the next stage!

Here is how to selection the best funny things to say to a daughter:

1. Find your voice

There are a lot of different ways to make an impression, merely the all-time mode is to exist yourself! Read through this listing of funny things to say, and cull a few that resonate with your actual personality.

Girls similar a funny guy, merely they similar a guy that acts naturally even more. Have some swagger? Are you a true romantic? All-time friend - swain material? Choose a line that says that!

2. Practice Practice Practice

Once you've picked out a few lines, try them out! Memorize them so that they coil off the tongue. Reword them if you need to, just keep the punchline!

Overall, you want to come off every bit smoothen! So don't exist afraid to try a few lines out in the mirror - we won't tell. And exist confident - these lines are funny! You're already ahead of the game.

3. Pull The Trigger

This isn't a surprise - none of these lines work if you don't say them! Work up the guts, and effort your funny option up lines out the next time you lot meet a girl you're into!

And don't get discouraged if information technology doesn't work. Information technology'southward probably not the line, finding a love connexion takes more than a witty quip! Attempt again, with another line or another girl. These lines are certain to open up the door to a date or two where you meet that special someone you're waiting for!

Downloadable and Printable List of Funny Things To Say To A Girl

Here is a downloadable and printable list of Funny Things To Say To A Daughter (right click the image and select Save Image Every bit..):


More Awesome Tips To Talk to Girls

  1. Did these pick up lines piece of work as expected?? Gear up for the next phase with some sweet things to say to your girlfriend.
  2. Seal the deal on a date with these beautiful things to say to your crush.
  3. Finding yourself with some dead airtime on your engagement? Use my list of questions to ask a girl to get the conversation flowing.
  4. Humor works wonders! Hither are some funny questions to ask when you're trying to get to know each other.

In Determination

Now that y'all're well read in things to say to a girl y'all similar, read up on the tips on how to flirt with a girl and hitting the dating scene! Learning how to talk to girls in a manner that gets their attention is an of import dating skill, and y'all're on your fashion!

Call up, these funny things to say to a daughter are only door-openers. Have some other things to say to your crush already in mind as a follow up, and you'll be impressing girls and making dates left and right! Have fun!


Source: https://www.mantelligence.com/funny-things-to-say-to-a-girl/

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